Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Make yourself your own sunshine

Make yourself your own sunshine 

Before making others your friend, you have to be your's friend.
Before correcting others, you have to correct yourself.
Before making others happy, you have to make yourself happy.
Before making your time free for others, you have to free your time for yourself.
Before finding happiness with others, find happiness within yourself.

       Life begins from that time onward for the person who meets himself at wherever this great event occurs.

Men & Women born, spend their days , live their lives and Die without knowing themselves actually.
Mostly, we spent time by thinking about others, making them happy, correcting others, finding happiness with others, giving time to others and spending leisure time.
But the greatest treasure occurs when these tasks do not go for long life with you, all die with all their music in them and without knowing anything.
So start working on yourself and meet yourself.
Firstly get acquainted with yourself,start loving yourself, start taking care of yourself,start making time for yourself.
Make yourself a priority first.
It is not termed as selfishness but called personal development.
Once you balance yourself, then only you can balance the world.
Let explore the inner music and give the world to listen.
So make a plan to meet yourself
make yourself your own sunshine😊
@Tr. Kamakshi Johar
Share your love 

loyalty is one which counts in luxuries

The core thing which matters in  life is Loyalty which is expected by everyone at every stage of every relationship of life.
Nothing matters if you are surrounded by the loved ones who cares you, treats you well, supports you till end.
Relationship is not count by age, not by community , not by communicating every moment of everyday.The more important thing of the togetherness is trust and loyalty.
loyalty is a word which has the deepest meaning to make the bond long lasting.
if you cant give time , its not an issue. but you cant be loyal,, its the biggest crime.
M sharing this one because
 somewhere in hurries,
Humanity buries,,
$ loyalty is one which
 count in luxuries,,,,,,,,,
Let's start behaving well because we get what we give😊
Have a trustful behavior.
because love with trust is called long lasing relationship.


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