You all have some goals and ambitions in life.
well, am i right?
Have you ever given a thought that your goals are smart like you or not?
Before answering this question, you must understand that what are goals?
Goals are which become the purpose of life and having a purpose is very important.
without goals, your life would be like a tunnel where you will be obsessed with everything.
so now let's talk about that are your goals SMART or not.
Take a real life learning.
Right now just ask a simple question in your surrounding from anyone that what are his/her goals?
he/she will definitely say that he/she wants to become a successful person, wants to live life happy.
Do you know these are not goals, these are only wishes which he/she wants to fulfill.
Goals need commitment which needs to be fulfilled in any situation.
Goals need to be SMART even.
Smart............................ What and how?
let me clear what is meant by SMART?
S - SPECIFIC ( related to the terms of quality and by answering what and how)
M- MEASURABLE ( must be measurable in terms that how much you achieved)
A - ACHIEVABLE ( must be under your will power, should not be out of reach)
R - REALISTIC (must be real and far from day dreaming )
T - TIMELY ( must has starting date and ending date, time bound is the main element)
Sharing an example with you all as my Mentor Mr. Gautam Bhartiya used to share.
if you want to loose wait and you prepare the statement that "i want to loose wait"
It is only a wish or desire, not a smart goal or commitment.
.'According to the smart goals: you must do commitment like
S - " I must loose 10 k.g in 3 months"
M- "what is your weight right now and how much you loose in 1 month"
A - "will you be able to loose 10 k.g in 3 months"
R - "is it possible to loose 10 k.g in 3 months"
T - " are you working regularly on it or not"
In a nutshell , you must have goals on which you are likely to be worked.
goals must be balanced and must consistent to our values because it is the starting point of success.
Just work on yourself and be consistent while facing obstacles because every cloud has a silver lining,the time will pass anyway but we should sure enough that we are passing out time in the best possible way.
"on the journey of life's highway, keep your eyes on the goal,
focus on the the results not on the hole"
by:Tr. Kamakshi Johar
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